ZEBRONICS PS5340U Power Strip With 5 Universal Sockets, 2500W Max., 4 USB Ports, USB Output 2.4A Max., 3 Meter Copper Cable, Overload Protection, Surge Protection, Wall Mountable, 250 Volts For Rs. 629 @ 58 %

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ZEBRONICS PS5340U Power Strip With 5 Universal Sockets, 2500W Max., 4 USB Ports, USB Output 2.4A Max., 3 Meter Copper Cable, Overload Protection, Surge Protection, Wall Mountable, 250 Volts For Rs. 629 @ 58 %

ZEBRONICS PS5340U Power Strip With 5 Universal Sockets, 2500W Max., 4 USB Ports, USB Output 2.4A Max., 3 Meter Copper Cable, Overload Protection, Surge Protection, Wall Mountable, 250 Volts For Rs. 629 @ 58 %

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ZEBRONICS PS5340U Power Strip with 5 Universal Sockets, 2500W Max., 4 USB Ports, USB Output 2.4A Max., 3 Meter Copper Cable, Overload Protection, Surge Protection, Wall Mountable, 250 Volts

  • Zeb-PS5340U is a high-quality power extension that is a great option because it is composed of durable ABS plastic
  • This power extension makes connecting and powering your gadgets feasible with its high-quality eight universal brass plugs and 3-meter long, highly durable copper wire
  • It is extremely durable, well-built, and surge and overload-protected, so you can rely on it
  • This extension can handle 2500W of power, which is enough to power multiple devices
  • A dedicated LED power indicator for a better user experience
  • The power extension has four USB ports in total, which can handle a maximum output of 2.4A
  • You may wall-mount this power extension for convenient use and charging

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